How To Choose Which CPA Networks To Join

Applying to CPA networks requires an application process by each network. While some CPA networks are extremely easy to get into, it can be difficult to get into some of the major CPA networks if you are new to the CPA marketing game. When filling out an application, do not make it look like you are a newbie or beginner. CPA networks generally do not want people who are new to CPA marketing because newbies generally tax their resources and time. You need to indicate that you can drive a lot of traffic and that you know what you are doing. You need to sell yourself. Consider the application process like a resume. This will go a long way towards helping you get accepted into the CPA network.

There are many successful online marketers who run campaigns from several different CPA
networks, but if you're just starting out, it's a good idea to stick to one or two until you get comfortable with business and get a few successful campaigns running "under one roof" first.

You also don't want to be overwhelmed with having to manage and track results inside several CPA networks when you first start out because you need to focus as much attention as
possible on making money from your promotions.

Use Testimonials And Word Of Mouth To Choose Best CPA Network

Many things have changed in the world since the Internet boom, but good ol' word of mouth still
holds a lot of weight when spreading recommendations to your peers. The first thing you should do is ask around. Use Twitter, or email a couple CPA affiliates that you might now (maybe they have blogs, products, etc.). There is never a 100% guarantee, but a few positive testimonials will definitely be a good sign.

Make Sure They Have Fresh Offers And Promo Tools
You're going to be putting a lot of time and effort into promoting CPA offers. Top notch, cutting edge designs and other promotional material to help you out will increase your chances of making consistent profit. Many CPA networks are in charge of designing the promotional material for the advertisers, so be sure to compare the quality. Also, a big part of CPA marketing is staying on
top of the latest, hottest deals in your target market. A regular rotation of fresh offers is a definite plus when choosing which CPA networks to use. You should try to get accepted by a major corporate CPA network because there are a lot of “mom and pop” type CPA networks that may be too risky to send a lot of traffic to. Smaller “mom and pop” networks don’t have the cash flow or resources to do weekly payouts or even pay on net 5 terms, while the bigger networks have no problems paying you sooner or even in advance.

Payout System
CPA networks generally pay net 30 (30 days after month end) and I would stay away from CPA networks that insist on paying you net 60. If you are paying to send traffic to CPA offers, you want to have a liquid cash flow to keep your profitable CPA offers running like clockwork. A reputable CPA network will have a regular payout schedule and will be on time, every time
without excuses. Any sign of trouble getting paid from your account is a red flag and should be questioned. Also, you may want to check to be sure that the method of payment suits your needs.

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